Posted March 2021.
Category: Notices, Results, What's On
31st March 2021:
Please continue to use the home testing (LFT) kits and and keep the academy informed of POSITIVE results by emailing [email protected] and typing ‘COVID-19 TEST RESULT’ as the subject. A positive result must be confirmed by a follow-up PCR test.
If you have symptoms, please isolate and arrange a PCR test at a local testing centre.
24th February 2021:
Please see the latest letter sent to parents today (24th February 2021):
WMG Academy Coventry Reopening Letter 24022021
6th January 2021:
Please see the latest letter sent to parents today (6th January 2021):
Coventry Exams Update 06012021
5th January 2021:
Please see the latest letter sent to parents today (5th January 2021):
Coventry Parental Update 05012021
31st December 2020:
Please see the latest letter sent to parents today (31st December 2020):
Coventry Parental Update 31122020
18th December 2020
20th November 2020:
Important Reminder for Parents: Students must isolate and book a test if they are experiencing symptoms of Covid-19. Please inform the academy as soon as your child develops symptoms and remember to update the academy to provide test dates and results, whether positive or negative.
17th November 2020:
Please see the latest letter sent to parents today (17th November 2020):
Online Learning Letter 17112020
11th November 2020:
Please see the latest letter sent to parents today (11th November 2020):
3rd November 2020:
Please see the latest letter sent to parents today (3rd November 2020):
Confirmed Case Letter 03112020
1st November 2020:
Please see the latest letter sent to parents today (1st November 2020):
19th October 2020:
Please see the latest letter sent to parents today (19th October 2020):
Year 10 Online Learning 19102020
13th October 2020:
Please see the latest letter sent to parents today (13th October 2020):
Confirmed Case Letter 13102020
28th September 2020:
Please see the latest Test and Trace fact sheet for students aged 16 and over (28th September 2020):
Test and Trace App Fact Sheet 28092020
25th September 2020:
Please see the latest letter sent to parents today (25th September 2020):
23rd September 2020:
Please see the latest letter from the NHS regarding Test and Trace (23rd September 2020):
NHS Letter to Parents 23092020
21st September 2020:
Please see the latest letter sent to parents today (21st September 2020):
3rd September 2020:
Please see the latest letter from public Health England regarding Coronavirus testing for students with symptoms (3rd September 2020):
Letter from Public Health England 03092020
Bus Route – S61 – Update form Coventry City Council regarding De Courcey
1st September 2020:
Please see the latest letters sent to parents today (1st September 2020):
Coventry Return Update 01092020
28th August 2020:
Please see the latest letters sent to parents today (28th August 2020):
Coventry September Full Return 28082020
17th July 2020:
Please see the latest letters sent to parents today (17th July 2020):
Coventry Year 13 Results Day 2020
Coventry Year 11 Results Day 2020
Coventry Year 12 Enrolment 2020 – External Students
Coventry September Full Return
8th July 2020:
Please see the latest letters sent to parents today (8th July 2020):
Coventry Phase 3 and September 08072020
Coventry Year 10 Phase 3 Options 06072020
26th June 2020:
Please see the latest letters sent to parents today (26th June 2020):
Coventry Phase 2 Update 26062020
19th June 2020:
Please see the latest letters sent to parents today (19th June 2020):
Coventry Phase 1 Update 19062020
12th June 2020:
Please see the latest letters sent to parents today (12th June 2020):
Coventry Phased Update 12062020
8th June 2020:
Please see the latest letters sent to parents today (8th June 2020):
Coventry Return Year 10 08062020
Coventry Return Year 12 08062020
4th June 2020:
Please see the latest letter sent to parents today (4th June 2020):
Coventry Phased Return Update 04062020
22nd May 2020:
Please see the latest letter sent to parents today (22nd May 2020):
Coventry Return Update 22052020
19th May 2020:
Please see the latest letter sent to parents today (19th May 2020):
Coventry Update – Phased Return 19052020
Year 10: Year 10 Coventry Update 190520
Year 11: Year 11 Coventry Update 190520
Year 12: Y12 Coventry Update 190520
Year 13: Y13 Coventry Update 190520
12th May 2020:
Please see the latest letter sent to parents today (12th May 2020):
1st May 2020:
Please see the latest letter sent to parents today (1st May 2020):
23rd April 2020:
Please see the latest letter sent to parents today (23rd April 2020):
9th April 2020:
Please see the latest letter sent to parents today (9th April 2020):
3rd April 2020:
Please see the latest letter sent to parents today (3rd April 2020):
Coventry Update Exams 03042020
2nd April 2020:
Please see the latest letter sent to parents today (2nd April 2020):
27th March 2020:
Please see the latest letter sent to parents today (27th March 2020):
Coventry Daily Update 27032020
26th March 2020:
Please see the latest letter sent to parents today (26th March 2020):
Coventry Daily Update 26032020
25th March 2020:
Please see the latest letter sent to parents today (25th March 2020):
Coventry Daily Update 25032020
24th March 2020:
Please see the latest letter sent to parents today (24th March 2020):
Coventry Daily Update 24032020
23rd March 2020:
Please see the latest letter sent to parents today (23rd March 2020):
Coventry Daily Update 23032020
20th March 2020:
Please see the latest letter sent to parents today (20th March 2020):
Coventry Parent Letter 20032020
19th March 2020:
Please see the latest letter sent to parents today (19th March 2020):
Coventry Closure Letter 19032020
18th March 2020:
In line with the Government announcement on 18th March 2020, WMG Academy will close at 3.30pm on Friday 20th March until further notice.
All students are expected to attend the academy on Thursday 19th and Friday 20th March, with the exception of Year 13 BTEC Engineering and BTEC Science Extended Diploma students.
There will be a service for vulnerable students and children of key workers, details of which will be clarified as soon as information is provided by the Department for Education.
Whilst it has been confirmed that exams will not take place in May and June, this does not mean they will not happen later in the year, so students should continue to work towards exams.
Many aspects of the Secretary of State’s announcement are unprecedented and we will be working through the details and will communicate these as we receive more information.
The Department for Education has launched a helpline to answer questions about COVID-19 related to education. Staff, parents and young people can contact the helpline as follows:
Phone: 0800 046 8687
Email: [email protected]
Opening hours: 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday)
Personal hygiene and social distancing are the most important way to tackle the spread of all germs including COVID-19. Please see the attached information notices:
Safeguarding Information For Parents:
If you have any concerns about a young person within the academy please email the following address [email protected] Please label the email Safeguarding Concerns.
If you think a child or young person is being harmed or is at risk of being harmed then you must contact Children’s Social Work Services and tell them your concerns.
Coventry Multi-agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 024 7678 8555 or via email [email protected]
Warwickshire Multi-agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 01926 414144
Children’s Advice & Support Service (CASS) on 0121 303 1888 or via secure email CASS@
Solihull Multi-agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 0121 788 4300
Safeguarding Information For Students:
Safeguarding contacts:
Mrs C Hickman (DSL)
Mrs C Badham (DDSL)
Mrs D Brown (DDSL)
Mr Dave Crosbie (DDSL)
Alternatively please contact the academy on 024 7646 4661..