What people are saying about WMG Academy
I first came across WMG Academy through one of your students that had applied for one of our apprenticeship schemes and having researched WMG, we were extremely keen to see what opportunities exist for a partnership between our two organisations as these were exactly the skills we need for our future workforce.
Apprenticeship recruiter at Mott Macdonald
My son’s confidence grew from strength to strength at WMG Academy, he arrived without any direction and left with a degree apprenticeship in Civil engineering.
Parent of a year 13 student
“The education, opportunities, recognition, support and inspiration WMG Academy has given my son are beyond anything he has experienced before.”
Parent of Year 10 Student
“WMG Academy is a fantastic facility with dedicated staff and students who are harnessing their dedication to engineering as a profession for the future generations to come. You cannot beat that sort of dedication.”
Wayne Bradbury, Senior Quality Manager at The Autins Group
“At WMG Academy they don’t treat you like a child – they put trust in you and you excel.”
Miranda Bishop-Timings, former student
“These students have passion at a young age. WMG Academy is making them technically astute before their time and that’s amazing – it’s unique.”
Nigel Lanigan, Continuous Improvement Co-ordinator at Sarginsons
“WMG Academy shows people that engineering is not just a boys’ subject. It’s not all about work boots and hard hats. I think more girls will be interested in engineering in the future. It will change.”
Kim Chiororo, 18, Aston Martin Apprentice
“I am astounded at how my son has got on, it is way beyond my hopes at the start of term.”
Parent of Year 10 Student
“Can I take this opportunity to thank everyone at WMG for the help and support they gave my son during his time with you. We are in no doubt that the results he achieved were a reflection of this.”
Parent of a ‘straight-A’ sixth former
“I have learnt a lot of lessons from WMG Academy – not just engineering but also moral lessons and lessons about taking responsibility.”
Daniel Knight, 18, Jaguar Land Rover Apprentice
“The workshops at WMG Academy are on a par with some universities. It’s important to attract people from a very young age and here they have an insight into what to expect before going into a career. It gives them headstart. I wish I’d had something like this when I was younger.”
Graduate Engineer at Jaguar Land Rover
“They [a group of students] have worked so hard to achieve some great goals. Their passion and diligence is clear for all to see. They are a real inspiration, a credit to their parents and the academy. What a bright future they have ahead.”
Visitor to Presentation Evening
“No other school has the careers advice or support that WMG Academy has.”
Chris Rea, Year 13 Student
“It’s not just about engineering – coming here built my confidence. It’s very different from other schools. WMG Academy is a high level school and teaches you to be an adult. It’s a great stepping stone into apprenticeships.”
Alexis Griffin, 16, Rolls-Royce
“Thank you to WMG Academy for all that you do to nurture and support tomorrow’s engineers. Keep up with the good work.”
Parent of Year 11 Student
“Because of WMG Academy I have a better work ethic and more independence.”
Joel Ambrose Brown, Product Design Student, Brunel University
“The students are focused, engaged and well behaved.”
Alison Clarke, Talk The Talk